Friday, July 27, 2012

Best Beat Making Software

Make Killer Beats On Your PC.

Dr. Drum Review—Beat or Bust?

If you’ve been around for long and have been trying to find the perfect beat making program you know that there are basically two types of beat programs. There’s the type that produce cheap sounding quality that only your mother would be proud of, and there’s the professional quality programs that will cost you a whole lot of money and you’ll have to spend months to figure out if you can before you throw your hands up in frustration.

==> Click Here "DR Drum"

You want to make music, and you want to do it now with results you can take to clubs or sell to producers with pride, but not break the bank doing it.

Well, let me tell you that there’s now a way to do just that. 

Dr. Drum Beat Making software has everything you need and you won’t have to eat Ramen Noodles for the rest of your life to pay for it either. Better yet, this affordable software will make your music shine, and create the work that you can really use as a professional musician.

==>  Click Here "DR Drum"

What you get with the Dr. Drum Beat Making Software:

- Beats, Beats and More Beats
- A full-scale beat maker that offers you dozens of kits
- 12-pad sound with each kit
- Drag and drop import ability to bring in your own beats
- An immense database of exclusive beat sounds
- Single click ability to move sounds where you want them in the track
- 4-Octave Keyboard
- Create pianos, strings, synth, sax and more
- Special effects to create unique sounds
- Drag and drop import ability to bring in your own sounds
- MIDI cable free
- A database of thousands of stereo quality sounds
- Switch instruments in a single click
- A powerful 16-track sequencer that lets you:
- Record in full 44.1 stereo 16 bit PCM .wav format
- Alter frequency, resonance, LFO R and A
- Scan important sounds for a single note or section of music and recreate it in all 4 octaves
- Mix the volume on individual channels
- Move sound about with a single click
- Learn to use the entire program in minutes with the video tutorials included

==> Click Here "DR Drum"

Dr. Drum will make anyone sound like a pro and it is affordable. When you’re ready to step into the big time, do it with Dr. Drum and be a pro without spending money like one.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to cure panic attacks.

AWAKE from Anxiety
A 5 Step Program for Dealing with Anxiety and Panic 

  • Is your life being badly affected or even ruined by anxiety?
  • Do you get anxious to the point where you experience physical symptoms?
  • Do you find yourself always fearing the worst?
  • Do you lose sleep worrying about something?
  • Are you very conscious about what other people think of you?

Discover How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques Can Help You to Deal with Anxiety and Panic

Symptoms of Anxiety

It is sometimes said that anxiety involves a triggering of the body's natural Fight or Flightresponse. When you perceive something as a danger or a threat, your body responds in certain ways. For example, the following may be symptoms of anxiety: 
  • Breathing faster
  • Sweating 
  • Shivering or shaking
  • Speeded up heart rate
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sickness
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Blushing
If there is a realistic danger or risk to you then these reactions are a normal, healthy response and once the danger has passed they subside.

Difficulties arise when your perception of the threat or danger is distorted or mistaken. In these circumstances you may experience the physical signs of anxiety in a situation where a neutral observer might say that there is no need for you to fight or flee. If this is happening frequently or over a sustained period of time then you are likely to experience significant levels of stress, with potential emotional and physical consequences such as difficulty sleeping, inability to relax, feeling constantly under pressure and feeling negative about yourself or your abilities.  

Typical Responses to Anxiety

The 3 most typical responses to anxiety are probably:
  1. To try to fight through anxiety and force yourself to get through anxious situationsor
  2. To avoid anxiety-provoking situations or
  3. To spend most of your time looking for a solution for your anxiety or panic.

Problems with Typical Responses to Anxiety

The problems with the 3 approaches above are:
  • They tend to leave you feeling even more anxious because the anxiety doesn't go away for good as you hoped
  • You can also then feel bad about yourself and your 'failure' to get rid of the anxiety as you see it
  • You may end up putting the rest of your life on hold as you look for the cure for anxiety

What Can You Do About Anxiety?

The AWAKE Program offers a different way of dealing with anxiety:
  1. Instead to being encouraged to fight anxiety you are taught how to accept it. This doesn't mean that you do nothing about it at all but it means that you adopt a different psychological approach to it which is more productive.
  2. Instead of avoiding anxiety-provoking situations you are given exercises to help you to alter your typical behavior in anxious situations.
  3. Instead of spending most of your time looking for a solution for your anxiety and panic you are encouraged to follow the AWAKE Program which involves:
    (a) Using specific techniques to deal with anxious thoughts and situations and
    (b) Remembering to do positive things with your life and not just focusing on anxiety all the time!

    Value of the AWAKE from Anxiety Program

    The AWAKE from Anxiety Program is provided as an ebook covering all the steps and the exercises to work through. At a current cost of only $27.99 it is less than half the price that you would commonly pay for just one coaching or counselling session.
    It's value is that it will:
    • Help you to understand your anxiety better
    • Help you to deal with your anxiety more effectively
    • Give you a set of practical exercises and ideas that you can use.


    When you purchase the ebook program AWAKE from Anxiety from this website, you will receive immediately a link to download the eBook in PDF format. The author is confident that the techniques set out in AWAKE from Anxiety will help you and therefore offers aMONEY BACK GUARANTEE: if you try out the techniques suggested in the ebook program AWAKE from Anxiety and are not happy with the results, then simply ask for your money back within 15 days and you will be given a full refund. No questions asked.

    To Purchase AWAKE from Anxiety: A 5 Step Program for Dealing with Anxiety and Panic using CBT Techniques & Practical Exercises 
    by immediate download in PDF Format for just $27.99,
    Just Click The Link/Picture Below:
          Click here to review the product and buy it
                                         OR Click the picture below.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

3 Reasons why people hate/dislike you.

3 reasons why you feel you are being hated or disliked which actually holds the title of an undoubted truth in your daily lives, are going to be slaughtered after you read on this article of mine. Daily lives are not so easy, daily work, list of those sweat wasting objectives, jobs, to-do lists, and the most important part of your life that follows up with 'Socializing' is one hell of a VIP feature that you should adopt in your life to live in this modern world. Respected viewer, i know as i have witnessed  millions of kids and people around the world being bullied or being hated, either in high school, college, jobs, and in their daily lives. This article is not only a relevant stock for children, but for adults too, as hatred doesn't have eyes to review, on what is it going to fall with, is he an adult or a child, an experienced, or a nerd, though concerned with the lac of the abilities in a person, dragging a person into the bucket full of hatred and uneasiness, which im going to mention in this article.

Now coming down to the point, there are more than a hundreds of reasons lead by these 3 main reasons why you get to see those bitterness-dripping eyes of the community around you, or you transform into a laughing stock for the gathering around you. It isn't easy to bear all these rude, uneasy attitudes of the people around you as many such cases lead the victim to the extent where the decision lies to either abdicate from the community or from his own life. Have you ever been laughed upon? Have you ever tried to crack a joke but none laughed instead passed a negative answer or a wheeler invaded by sarcasm that crashed into your feelings and began soaking your heart on daily basis when you lied down trying your best and fighting around with the flashbacks happened earlier that day just to sleep ? Do you feel dropped out of your friends, gatherings, groups ? Then you, for sure have that feeling about the lac of respect in you that grows your thirst to gain some. Well today in this article I felt sharing these 3 steps towards significance and a promotion to a higher rank from what you are amongst your friends and community today, which i myself use in my daily lives to socialize, be humorous, and be an entertaining body amongst the people around me who taste joy every time i am around with them no matter what event or so. Note that at the end of this article are some Ebooks and solutions that are one of the most important part of this article, as you may be, or should be interested to buy after reading these 3 reasons i am about to mention, which would avoid your hits on a brick wall in your daily lives, and build your personality full of a crispy life and taste, in a hungry world around, invading your previous faded events and making you forget the past.


1-)  Hyper/Angry Reactions and Attitude:
                                                               Take a look in your collar, are you hyper, do you react with a rude behaviour, or a high mood pealing tone that irritates the person you communicate with ? Yes, this is an automated generator for high level hatred . Your behaviour may be common around you, Well take a look at this matter yourself, you go to a person and try to talk to him, or ask him anything on which he bangs a brick of a rude answer to your face. At such a situation, whether its against your wants, your heart will leak the calmness and empower you with hatred for that person. Such a case lies for you as well, there is an easy solution for this negative ability management that you should try and apply to yourself. At the end of this article are two Ebooks regarding Anger, that you may want to buy, as they have the most effective step by step solutions to anger management and to get more out of life.

2-)  Lac of Humor :
                               A human heart and mind are always thirsty for a calm environment, looking out for every opportunity to gain joy. You may have a lac of humour. If you are not clear on the title 'Humor' then lemme tell you that this doesn't only own the definition of being funny, but humor is something that once carried, can end up as the most envious personality around. To be humorous, you need to throw the first reason mentioned above, (Hyperness), out of the window during your journey on the path of your life. Try to be hilarious, funny, and pass such comments which entertain the ones around you. You hearing an audio, watching television ? try to twist the sentences of the person opposite or whom you are talking to in front of everybody into something funny. This act is the most hilarious and humorous thing i adopt, and one of the main reasons why people want me around them, well this is the first step towards humor, there are even more easiest ways with full description and a step by step guide on how to apply them in your daily lives. All these methods are once again in the ebooks in the pictures at the end of this article, as a personal advice, do look over these ebooks as they have helped me a lot.

3-)  You Are Being Too Quiet :
                                                  Every hall has that one person sitting along quiet at a seat whom people categorize as a freak, if your hall doesn't have one, then you are the one probably. Is this because you are shy ? you dont want to talk, or you have a fear of being avoided, ignored or laughed upon? Well here is your choice, improve your facial expressions, stand up, keep that "whats new" look on your face and avoid any type of a dull thought supporting complexion. Although this isn't a reason for hatred but a greater one for dislike, and an unfriendly body language. Keep that glad expression on your face even when you talk so that the opposite being feel interest in that convo and doesn't find you boring. Cheer up, socialize, go meet other people, don't be that type of a fish that accelerates away when it comes to socializing. Form a group, start with your own group, socialize so that people feel interest in your group, that'll grow popularity and your significance amongst the organisation, school or an event. Start with a group of two, but take this as a wise advice that forming groups and entertaining, or giving company to others is a key to the successful reason why you came up to this article of mine. Remember, 'Respect others and you'll be Respected'. Go on apply these changes, and enjoy life. Think big, and live big. You may want to check out these ebooks which could provide you with the useful solutions to these reasons, and they are included in for sure, go on, try them. Follow me on Blogger for more useful daily experienced tips. Recommend this article to google, click the G+1 button below this article to do so. Do check out the ebooks below. Thankyou :),
Akhzar Khwaja
24th July 2012


Sunday, July 22, 2012

How to generate $1000 a month online.

Making Money Online is Too Difficult

Have you been trying to make money online, but you keep hitting a brick wall?

Maybe you’ve bought a few programs or courses and none of them seem to work?

I’ve heard this from a lot of people, and unfortunately, you’ve probably been lied to. Many of the “gurus” teach you methods that promise to unlock the secrets to untold riches, but usually the only thing they care about is upselling you to their next, more expensive product.

There Is No Magic Bullet

As much as I hate to say it, there is no magic bullet to online wealth. You’re not going to be able to push a button and make millions of dollars per year. It’s not realistic.

But, what if I told you there was a proven way to start making money online that was easy to implement, didn’t cost a fortune, and it wouldn’t take up much of your time?

You wouldn’t make millions of dollars per year with this right out of the gates, but you could start making a $1,000 or maybe a little more per month within a very short period of time and increase from there.

Would something like that interest you?

It was definitely intriguing to me...

The program I stumbled across is called Clickbank Pirate.
If you haven’t heard of it, you should definitely take a look if you’re looking for a real way to make money online without having to create your own products.

Here’s a link to the website to find out a little more:

>>> Click here to get access to Clickbank CB Pirate
How Does Clickbank Pirate Work?

Although there is no push-button secret to instant internet riches, Clickbank Pirate is about as close to push-button as it gets.

Unlike a lot of courses out there that tell you how to make money online, Clickbank Pirate gives you all of the tools to actually become successful online very quickly.

You get access to successful campaigns that have been proven to work, convert, and make money. All you have to do is login to your unique user website, click a few buttons, and you’ve got a proven, money-making campaign live and ready to go.

The best part is, you don’t even have to worry about hosting or know how to build a website.

Everything is done for you, which makes it especially great for people that don’t have much experience making money online.

How Much Can I Make?

You’re probably wondering how much you can realistically make, right?

They have success story after success story on their website, but the goal is to get you to $1,000 or more per month as quickly as possible.

For most people, an extra $1,000 per month is life-changing.

Of course, you don’t have to stop at $1,000 per month. You can build upon that until you reach the income goal you want to be at, and Clickbank Pirate provides all of the tools you need to be successful.

Right now, it’s pretty easy and low-risk to get going with Clickbank Pirate.

They offer a money-back guarantee, so you can test drive the entire program and decide if it’s really for you.

To learn more about Clickbank Pirate and how it’s helping other people make $1,000 or more online every month, here’s the link you need to go to:
>>> Click Bank CB Pirate

Saturday, July 21, 2012

How to lose weight (Unique Method).

How To Lose Weight (Unique).
Starvation will not make you lose weight.
Compromising in consuming food is an act hard to perform specially on daily basis. But today i am going to present a solution that is as easy as a wink, and would result in what you require practically, yes, lose weight.
Besides buying products, the method i am going to introduce in this article is way much different than those read daily by tips-seeking readers around the world. This method was introduced by my elder family members which then carried forward to the family and now i felt like spreading the word and trying to help you guys by sharing such an eye warming tip. Notifying that it really works, you should practice this act on daily basis. Millions seeking tips to lose weight just to gain the title of beauty and great looks should get on with this article and slaughter the wastage of time rolling eyes upon old school articles, advising different products costing much more than an Italian manufactured football.

Beginning with the main spot of aid of this article, many people restrain from eating healthy food, which is an elevator towards the floor of weakness and illness. This article negates the point of such a factor, as this results in  water loss from the body and this may lead you to the path of dehydration and deficiencies of massive nutrients e.t.c. Arriving to the interesting information, i must tell you that to stop eating food and restraining from the injection of fuel in your body, triggers "fat storage mode" in your body. This means the number of times you promote the restraining factor, you gain fat. This natural process of fat storage is more common around the world than the generation of other diseases. So the healthiest and the most efficient method of losing weight is to divide your daily food meal into 5 to 6 sessions, which means that you're consuming the same amount of food you used to eat but you result in a healthier figure and a loss of weight. Note, don't let yourself feel hungry as this feeling can be a source of the same factor triggering the fat storage mode in your body. after you divide your day's meal into 5 or 6 sessions, eat them after every three hours keeping in mind a reminder of not letting yourself feel the shiver of hunger. But some areas such as avoiding high sugar foods and high starch foods should be applied here and so on keep up with your daily exercises and aerobic exercises 5 days a week. You will for sure get a positive balance of results weighing much more than what you weigh currently :P.
- Akhzar Khwaja
21- July 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012

Online Casinos

Convenience is what i believe, our world's modern update. Unlike the past years when casinos were in the streets and one had to abdicate all his tension generating occupations just to play for life, now in the modern world, they are available online, easy, convenient and comfortable to play, achieving the similar level of joy without even moving your legs. But viewers, be aware of scammers all around the globe who always get the opportunity to fraud the innocent and gain the illegal. There are fake casinos online that would charge you for a useless register or a game entry, and you end up with betrayal and shining empty palms.
As a suggestion, google before you apply, sign up, or involve in any type of a risky action that requires your credit card info.
Some of the trusted online casinos with real proof and that i've come accross are:
Casino del rio
Monaco gold
Platinum play
Royal vegas
Vegas red
7 Sultans
To surf upon a proof, you may google each and every casino name listed above and roll your eyes upon the reviews supporting and trusting these online casinos, unlike the fake ones. Dear viewers, remember, this article is for an educational purpose, gamble at your own risk. Lol well this warning doesn't conclude the article as a list of untrusted sites, but as a warning to gamble at your own risk of winning or loosing.
Akhzar Khwaja
19- July 2012

Top 10 Best Android HD Games for an Android Smartphone.

In real life, our needs promote to either a new level or sometimes an old level which is still fashionable. Similarly our needs promote, why am i mentioning this? because im referring this article to all the mobile phone users which today includes almost every living human being on earth. We all begin our phone-cycle with a beginner level phone, that's a small phone usually with not much features. Out of these users many consumers' wants grow as the basic economical problem, so they come up to a new and a better phone. Up-till now, the best software based phones that i believe are androids. So once a user consumes an android phone, he/she pops up with new needs irritating the user's mind every next moment. Lol, what i mean is that relating to this article, every android user do need an HD game nowadays to pass some of their boredom generating moments sitting idle.
Well coming to the point, today i'll share some of the greatest android games that i've come across, and more than enough users of these games have appreciated these joy creators on forums and on the world wide web. Below is the list of the Top Ten HD Android Games 2012:


  1. GTA III  HD
  2. Brother in arms 3  HD
  3. The adventures of TinTin HD
  4. Grave Defense HD
  5. Anomaly  HD
  6. N.O.V.A 2  HD
  7. 9mm HD
  8. Need For Speed : Hot Persuit  HD
  9. Modern Combat 2 : Blck Pegasus HD
  10. Backstab HD
Now usually for free download-seekers, a tip worth sharing is that first of all go for a torrent downloading client for your android. I'd suggest 'Atorrent'. Secondly google the game you wanna download without transferring a penny for it. For example its Brother in arms 3 that you want, google "Brother in arms3 free torrent download android". Note: This may not always provide you with a link referring to a free torrent, but mostly this method works a lot. Feel free to ask any question regarding this post or Androids. Take care, of your android, yourself isnt that important, :p JK.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How to hack a facebook account.

Lets make this short and easy.

I use two great ways and id suggest them to you, as they're simple and easy as a wink.
1: Phishing (Google 'how to phish facebook' to get the tutorial.)
2: Go to and click forgot password, there just enter your victim's profile link on the username section, and go on answer the security question. Now here's where luck drops in. I'd say 90% of the victims have their security question as their mom's birthplace which is usually the same city as the birthplace as the victim's city of birth. For example the victim was born in Las vegas, his mom would most probably be the one born in las vegas too. thats it. I wanted this blog to be scam free and short so here it is. Enjoy but be safe as this is for educational purpose only. :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

'How to fish big'

Fishing is Nature. Sorry, lol , duh, lets get to the point of interests in this article. First of all its the location where you are spending you precious biscuit of time with a line deep in the water awaiting for a certain tension. Remember, big fish are almost impossible to be your slave at the corner and the sides of a water body. Requirements include deep water and an enough length of a line.
Secondly, once you are at a deep spot, you need big bait. This excludes bloodworms. But usually prawns can prove to be great at such big hunts. Besides big bait, which can be squids, prawns, small fish etc, u need big hooks depending on your aimed creature.
well now what u need is "skill". Timing to react in a certain pull on a line tension is victory. Put the bait on the hook and release the line deep in the water untill the weight touches the ground under the water body. Then pull a lil bit around 2 inches above the base. Yes, thats the perfect position to catch big. Uptill now, ull be feeling fish attitude against the bait ,) . As you feel fish eating the bait, just give a certain wrist tug. As a result of success, you will feel the force pulling the bait against you. Thats the fish. You got one. Congratulations and enjoy. Do ask me stuff relating to this topic as im curious to your problems too. Ciao. :)