Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to cure panic attacks.

AWAKE from Anxiety
A 5 Step Program for Dealing with Anxiety and Panic 

  • Is your life being badly affected or even ruined by anxiety?
  • Do you get anxious to the point where you experience physical symptoms?
  • Do you find yourself always fearing the worst?
  • Do you lose sleep worrying about something?
  • Are you very conscious about what other people think of you?

Discover How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques Can Help You to Deal with Anxiety and Panic

Symptoms of Anxiety

It is sometimes said that anxiety involves a triggering of the body's natural Fight or Flightresponse. When you perceive something as a danger or a threat, your body responds in certain ways. For example, the following may be symptoms of anxiety: 
  • Breathing faster
  • Sweating 
  • Shivering or shaking
  • Speeded up heart rate
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sickness
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Blushing
If there is a realistic danger or risk to you then these reactions are a normal, healthy response and once the danger has passed they subside.

Difficulties arise when your perception of the threat or danger is distorted or mistaken. In these circumstances you may experience the physical signs of anxiety in a situation where a neutral observer might say that there is no need for you to fight or flee. If this is happening frequently or over a sustained period of time then you are likely to experience significant levels of stress, with potential emotional and physical consequences such as difficulty sleeping, inability to relax, feeling constantly under pressure and feeling negative about yourself or your abilities.  

Typical Responses to Anxiety

The 3 most typical responses to anxiety are probably:
  1. To try to fight through anxiety and force yourself to get through anxious situationsor
  2. To avoid anxiety-provoking situations or
  3. To spend most of your time looking for a solution for your anxiety or panic.

Problems with Typical Responses to Anxiety

The problems with the 3 approaches above are:
  • They tend to leave you feeling even more anxious because the anxiety doesn't go away for good as you hoped
  • You can also then feel bad about yourself and your 'failure' to get rid of the anxiety as you see it
  • You may end up putting the rest of your life on hold as you look for the cure for anxiety

What Can You Do About Anxiety?

The AWAKE Program offers a different way of dealing with anxiety:
  1. Instead to being encouraged to fight anxiety you are taught how to accept it. This doesn't mean that you do nothing about it at all but it means that you adopt a different psychological approach to it which is more productive.
  2. Instead of avoiding anxiety-provoking situations you are given exercises to help you to alter your typical behavior in anxious situations.
  3. Instead of spending most of your time looking for a solution for your anxiety and panic you are encouraged to follow the AWAKE Program which involves:
    (a) Using specific techniques to deal with anxious thoughts and situations and
    (b) Remembering to do positive things with your life and not just focusing on anxiety all the time!

    Value of the AWAKE from Anxiety Program

    The AWAKE from Anxiety Program is provided as an ebook covering all the steps and the exercises to work through. At a current cost of only $27.99 it is less than half the price that you would commonly pay for just one coaching or counselling session.
    It's value is that it will:
    • Help you to understand your anxiety better
    • Help you to deal with your anxiety more effectively
    • Give you a set of practical exercises and ideas that you can use.


    When you purchase the ebook program AWAKE from Anxiety from this website, you will receive immediately a link to download the eBook in PDF format. The author is confident that the techniques set out in AWAKE from Anxiety will help you and therefore offers aMONEY BACK GUARANTEE: if you try out the techniques suggested in the ebook program AWAKE from Anxiety and are not happy with the results, then simply ask for your money back within 15 days and you will be given a full refund. No questions asked.

    To Purchase AWAKE from Anxiety: A 5 Step Program for Dealing with Anxiety and Panic using CBT Techniques & Practical Exercises 
    by immediate download in PDF Format for just $27.99,
    Just Click The Link/Picture Below:
          Click here to review the product and buy it
                                         OR Click the picture below.

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